AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Public Laws 815 and 874 were enacted by the 81st Congress to relieve congestion in school districts throughout the United States due to the impact of federal activities, especially those of the Defense Department; and

WHEREAS, extension of activities such as construction for use by federal personnel, caused withdrawal of a great amount of real estate from the taxable basis in such districts and local communities; and

WHEREAS, the above-mentioned public laws provided funds for relief of communities inconvenienced by such federal activities; and

WHEREAS, the schools in such districts have thus become dependent on the financial aid from the impacted area program set up by the 81st Congress; and

WHEREAS, this program, which was originally designed to meet an emergency has been continued by Congress subsequent to its initiation; and

WHEREAS, it is not likely that the program will be terminated; and

WHEREAS, the District of Columbia provides schools for the dependents of federal officials and employees; and

WHEREAS, the District of Columbia continually loses revenue by withdrawal of land and real estate from its taxable basis by the extension of various federal projects; and

WHEREAS, the District of Columbia qualifies in all respects for inclusion under the impacted area program:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers in Convention assembled go on record in favor of urging Congress to provide the District of Columbia with federal funds under this impacted area program.
