AFT Resolution


The AFT Executive Council directs the Secretary-Treasurer to take steps to implement the AFT Constitution requiring full per-capita payments on all members of each local at the appropriate rate. Such implementation shall be accomplished by entering into dues transmittal agreements between each local and the AFT which define the obligation of each local to transmit constitution stipulated per-capita payments to the AFT, the respective state federations.

Locals signing such agreements shall, in compliance with established requirements and procedures be entitled to the following:

  • Organizational assistance
  • Defense Fund grants
  • Militancy Fund grants
  • Participation in liability insurance and accident insurance programs

A progress report on the implementation of this directive shall be prepared for the Council from time to time.

  • This AFT Executive Council resolution involves interpretation and enforcement of the AFT Constitution:

ARTICLE IX, Section 7

The treasurer of each affiliated local shall report monthly to the National Office on blanks furnished by the latter for that purpose, and shall certify that the report is for the full number of members in good standing in the local.

ARTICLE VIII, Section 1a (Bylaws)

Effective September 1, 1977 each affiliated local shall pay directly to the National Office for each member a per-capita tax of $2.65 per month. Effective September 1, 1978 each affiliated local shall pay for each member a per-capita tax of $2.90 per month.
