AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Holocaust was a crime unique in the annals of human history, the neutrality and indifference of most of the world left the Jews almost alone in their struggle for survival, and at the same time helped the Nazis to go on with their killings; and

WHEREAS, despite the magnitude of this catastrophic event, not enough has been done to acquaint the public, and especially the younger generation, with this unique historical event; and

WHEREAS, there is a growing interest in the Holocaust and the terrible lesson it teaches all humanity as evidenced by the films, books, exhibitions, college courses, as well as the President's Commission on the Holocaust:

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue to produce educational material and classroom teaching materials about the Holocaust and that the materials be made available nationwide;

RESOLVED, that the AFT call for accelerated progress on the establishment of a permanent "living" memorial in Washington and New York, as well as in other major cities; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT call upon the Justice Department not to halt its efforts to prosecute and/or expel Nazi war criminals who still live in the United States.
