AFT Resolution


Whereas, American children are abducted abroad as well as at home; and

Whereas, these defenseless children lose all protections and rights which are guaranteed to all American citizens and to other American children; and

Whereas, parents and families do not have the legal, economic, law enforcement or political status to protect them and secure their release and return to their families and legal guardians; and

Whereas, even American citizens convicted of crimes and incarcerated abroad receive regular visits and protective oversight by the State Department during their incarceration, while these abducted children are never seen:

Resolved, that the AFT bring the plight of these children and families to the attention of President Clinton and request that Attorney General Janet Reno assign this issue the highest Departmental priority and use the resources of the Justice Department and the FBI to assist parents and families and legal guardians in locating and returning these children, request the involvement of Interpol at the highest priority, and request the support of other American law enforcement and investigative agencies.
