AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, guns are becoming a pervasive part of the culture to which our students are exposed; and

WHEREAS, the drug epidemic is creating a situation in which more and younger students are carrying guns to school than ever before; and

WHEREAS, we have recently witnessed a growing number of incidents in which students and teachers have been caught in gun crossfire in and around schools; and

WHEREAS, tragedies such as the one that occurred in Stockton, California, where five pupils were killed and others, including a teacher, were seriously injured by a gunman; and

WHEREAS, while state and local gun control legislation is useful and must be supported, it is ineffective because guns can easily be carried across state lines; and

WHEREAS, the nation's major police and other law enforcement groups support strict gun control; and

WHEREAS, the AFT executive council, at its meeting on Feb. 16, 1989, recognized the seriousness of all of the above and resolved to have the AFT seek and support tough, comprehensive gun control legislation for handguns, semi-automatic and automatic assault weapons in the Congress as well as continuing to support its affiliates fighting to keep our schools safe havens for our members and their students; and further resolved to have the AFT encourage and support education programs for children on the dangers of gun use; and

WHEREAS, statistics published by the National Safety Council show that firearms are a leading cause of unintentional death among children ages 14 and under in the United States; and

WHEREAS, statistics published by the United States Department of Health and Human Services show that deaths by firearms in the United States were the highest in a survey of eight industrialized nations; and

WHEREAS, the national PTA board of directors voted to support federal restrictions on firearms; and

WHEREAS, as educators, we believe that in an effort to reduce the number of injuries and deaths, especially those that are accidental, caused by children handling guns, our schools should include gun and safety instruction:

RESOLVED, that the delegates to this 71st convention of the AFT do hereby affirm these actions of the executive council to support gun control legislation and education programs on the dangers of gun use; and

RESOLVED, that AFT urge Congress to enact legislation which would establish a waiting period to allow local law enforcement officials to conduct background checks on handgun purchasers; and

RESOLVED, that AFT support and encourage efforts to require that prior to purchasing firearms, proof of completion of a course on firearm safety and use be provided by prospective owners; and

RESOLVED , that AFT urge its locals and state affiliates to support efforts to include gun safety courses in grades K-12; and

RESOLVED, that AFT urge its locals and its members to write letters to members of Congress supporting legislation that would promote safety for our schools and our communities.
