AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, guns are becoming a pervasive part of the culture to which our students are exposed; and

WHEREAS, the drug epidemic is creating a situation in which more and younger students are carrying guns to school than ever before; and

WHEREAS, we have recently witnessed a growing number of incidents in which students and teachers have been caught in gun crossfire in and around schools; and

WHEREAS, tragedies such as the one which occurred in Stockton, California, where five pupils were killed and others, including a teacher, were seriously injured by a gunman; and

WHEREAS, while state and local gun control legislation is useful and must be supported, it is ineffective because guns can easily be carried across state lines; and

WHEREAS, the nation's major police and other law enforcement groups support strict gun control:

RESOLVED, that the AFT will seek and support tough, comprehensive gun control legislation for handguns, semi-automatic and automatic assault weapons in the Congress as well as continuing to support its affiliates fighting to keep our schools safe havens for our members and their students; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will encourage and support education programs for children on the dangers of gun use. (Executive Council)
