AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, The United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO has begun its "Wrath of Grapes" campaign to inform consumers about the dangerous pesticide residue on table grapes sold in the markets; and

WHEREAS, the World Resources Institute reports that over 300,000 farm workers are poisoned each year by pesticides; and

WHEREAS, through the actions of Governor Deukmejian, the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board has ceased to be a vehicle to protect farm workers collective bargaining rights; and

WHEREAS, since the 1960s the United Farm Workers of America has helped farm workers and consumers win protection from dangerous pesticides such as DDT, Aldrin, and Dieldrin before the government took any action; and

WHEREAS, farm workers no longer have the right to organize, workers get shot and killed in Union elections, and growers refuse to negotiate; and

WHEREAS, grape growers are now using deadly pesticides that poison farm workers and cause children to die of cancer and be born deformed; and

WHEREAS, the United Farm Workers of America, under the leadership of Cesar Chavez, has called for a new boycott of grapes; and

WHEREAS, across North America, union leaders and members, state and federal lawmakers, mayors and city councils, labor and religious leaders, minorities, and consumers are boycotting grapes and becoming solidarity members of the UFW:

RESOLVED, that AFT endorse the California table grape boycott and strongly urge the removal of all fresh table grapes from our union facilities and union sponsored events; and

RESOLVED, that AFT will promote the UFW grape boycott among its members (union and staff) to the utmost of its capacity.
