AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the actions of humankind are significantly increasing the level of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, thereby exacerbating global warming; and

WHEREAS, these greenhouse gas emissions are changing the relationship between the sun and Earth, engendering disturbing changes to our climates, ecosystems and wildlife, causing the rhythms of our seasons and delicately balanced ecological relationships to disintegrate; and
WHEREAS, in 2005, the National Academies of Science in the 11 most influential nations jointly called on all nations to “acknowledge that the threat of climate change is clear and increasing” and declared that the “scientific understanding of climate changes is now sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action”; and
WHEREAS, the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a report in February 2007 that affirmed “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal”; and
WHEREAS, according to a May 2007 report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, worldwide carbon dioxide emissions are growing at a much faster rate than scientists had previously projected; and
WHEREAS, changes to the worldwide climate system are most profound in the Arctic and the Antarctic, global climate changes are affecting all continents. Major changes in the Arctic and the Antarctic could have serious adverse consequences for the rest of the world; and
WHEREAS, specific worldwide planetary changes are occurring due to global warming even though not all regions experience all these specific changes in the current-day climate; mounting scientific evidence provides a somber warning about dire future consequences for all Earth’s inhabitants if global warming is left unchecked; and
WHEREAS, over the past three decades, the insurance industry has paid a 15-fold increase to victims of extreme weather, which has affected insurance premiums, their availability, and the overall viability of the industry, which, in turn, could put pensions and mutual funds that invest in the insurance industry at risk; and
WHEREAS, according to research conducted by the editors of Scientific American magazine, global production of conventional crude oil will begin to decline within the next five to 15 years even as the demand for oil continues to rise by about 2 percent a year. This decline in production will fuel economic and political tensions even as it forces nations to look for alternatives; and
WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has a long history of advocating for the health and safety of its constituents and the larger world community:
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers actively lobby elected officials in support of federal legislation that seeks to limit and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted from power plants, factories and other buildings, as well as automobiles; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers actively lobby elected officials in support of federal legislation that seeks to move our nation in a direction that encourages the use of clean, fossil fuel-free energy sources, e.g., wind, solar, hydroelectric and biofuels; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers actively lobby elected officials in support of legislation that seeks to encourage green building technologies; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers actively lobby elected officials in support of federal legislation that seeks to create business incentives that would help reduce and limit greenhouse gases; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers actively lobby elected officials in support of federal legislation that seeks to safely sequester
CO2 collected from power plants; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers actively encourage the automobile and oil industries to support higher fuel efficiency standards for all vehicles and the development of more efficient hybrid vehicles; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers actively support and celebrate efforts by developing nations to curb their carbon emissions and develop carbon-free energy resources; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers periodically update its membership about legislation relative to global warming by publishing articles in the appropriate AFT publications; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers periodically issue action alert sample letters on its Web site regarding legislation relative to global warming; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers periodically publish simple reminders about what everyone can do to limit their own carbon footprint.
