AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT is firmly committed to quality, integrated education; and

WHEREAS, the courts have severely limited metropolitan areas in the extent to which they can cross school district lines to achieve pupil integration; and

WHEREAS, government imposed solutions to improve staff integration tend to be punitive and to undermine collective bargaining agreements; and

WHEREAS, HEW's practice of withholding federal funds as a penalty for non-compliance is counter-productive and actually reduces the fiscal capacity of a school district to achieve pupil and staff integration; and

WHEREAS, constructive solutions to pupil and staff integration require complex planning, the development of incentives to encourage voluntary compliance and significant expenditures of school district tax levy funds to effect desired changes:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urges the federal government to develop legislation which will provide levels of funding sufficient to assist school districts in the planning, establishment and implementation of pupil and staff integration plans which will respect the rights of both children and staff and result in a stable and wholesome educational environment. (Executive Council)
