AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the needs of people in swiftly changing times require new types of educational services; in effect, continuing education; and

WHEREAS, colleges and universities are prepared through experience and potential to provide many of the types of services needed; and

WHEREAS, such continuing education services are becoming a most significant portion of the mission of such institutions; and

WHEREAS, such services are currently often provided at substantially reduced funding levels, compared to conventional higher education; and

WHEREAS, students so served are generally denied proper educational support services, full-time faculty instruction, benefits of appropriate student activities and other returns for their money; and

WHEREAS, full funding of continuing education services will make possible delivering new services to many in need not presently being served; and

WHEREAS, common sense dictates that continuing education services by institutions of higher education should be equivalent in every way to conventional education:

RESOLVED, that all continuing education, extension and nontraditional programs of institutions of higher education be funded at a rate fully equivalent to conventional educational programs.
