AFT Resolution


The American Federation of Teachers joins with the Florida Education Association and the Florida/AFT in deploring the National Education Association's efforts to divide and weaken Florida teachers, to undermine their achievements in the state capitol and in collective bargaining at the local level, and to renew and intensify organizational warfare in Florida.

The AFT pledges itself to the support of Florida teachers, the FEA and the F/AFT, in their continuing search for unity and in their struggle with the NEA.

The AFT respects the right of the members of the FEA, the F/AFT and their affiliated locals to vote on such questions as merger and national affiliation, and condemns the NEA's refusal to tolerate democratic, secret-ballot referenda of the membership.

Recognizing the need of Florida teachers for "unity in diversity," the AFT commends the leadership of the FEA and of the F/AFT for their willingness to put the interests of teachers ahead of partisan objectives and to work, with the labor movement, for new gains for the profession and the public schools.
