AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, all the latest validated research confirms what all public school teachers have known "forever": small class sizes equals more individual attention and better education; and

WHEREAS, the now-famous Tennessee study and the latest California experiences have given empirical proof that significant reductions in class sizes result in major student gains in all grades, and in the primary grades in particular; and

WHEREAS, reducing class size costs money; and

WHEREAS, many districts do not have the local resources to fund reductions in class size; and

WHEREAS, the federal government has, under pressure from AFT lobbyists, increased its support for Title I and special education; and

WHEREAS, the level of federal support for mandated special education continues to fall dramatically short of the 50/50 formula needed to successfully implement Public Law 94-142:

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue its efforts to gain additional funding for class-size reductions; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT renew and continue its efforts to get a 50/50 funding formula for the federal congressional special education mandate (94-142) so that more state and local revenues could be released to fund meaningful reductions in class size.
