AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, higher education locals are an integral part of the American Federation of Teachers; and

WHEREAS, public higher education is losing public support and is experiencing declining budgets in many states, resulting in the curtailment of many programs; and

WHEREAS, increasing numbers of union members are looking to their AFT locals to respond to these threats and to take an active part in improving the quality of higher education and the status of the professoriate; and

WHEREAS, a number of higher education locals are already organizing conferences around academic issues and the reconstruction of higher education; and

WHEREAS, other higher education locals could benefit by having access to information about these programs and by having access to a directory of individuals who are knowledgeable about these issues and whom they could draw on as speakers for conferences or as consultants for their own efforts; and

WHEREAS, the AFT Colleges and Universities Department is a small department with a multitude of respon­sibilities:

RESOLVED, that the AFT enlarge the Colleges and Universities Department by adding a new staff position whose functions would be t a) gather data and conduct research on higher education issues at the request of AFT leaders; b) collect and disseminate information on reform efforts in higher education; c) compile and keep current a directory of speakers and/or consultants on higher education issues; and d) assist higher education locals in their efforts and participate in the educational reform process.
