AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has long recognized that exclusive bargaining rights for that teachers organization duly elected by all teachers in a democratic representation election elevates teachers to a position of equality with their school board at the bargaining table thereby permitting teachers to accomplish the aims of AFT; and

WHEREAS, any attempt to introduce other methods of representation such as proportional representation for teacher organizations or joint negotiating teams only divides teachers when they need to be united; and

WHEREAS, the educational associations have sacrificed principle for organizational gain by insisting upon proportional representation in one school district while emulating the American Federation of Teachers and insisting upon exclusive bargaining rights in another; and

WHEREAS, exclusive bargaining rights for teachers protects the rights of the individual teacher, regardless of affiliation, to process on his own grievances and to speak freely on the issues:

RESOLVED, that seminars, institutes, and training sessions be established for local officers and staff, so that teachers are informed about the processes and principles of negotiating a written collective bargaining agreement; and

RESOLVED, that each local of the American Federation of Teachers, when properly prepared for a collective bargaining election, and after consultation with the national office of the American Federation of Teachers, seek exclusive collective bargaining rights through a democratic election involving all classroom teachers as the most ef­fective means of representation for teachers.
