AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, a human tragedy of immense proportions is taking place in Somalia and Ethiopia in which millions of men, women and children are starving to death or in danger of starving to death over the next few months; and

WHEREAS, this tragedy can be greatly reduced and large numbers of lives saved by a massive infusion of aid through the United Nations, and

WHEREAS, there is a danger that other crisis areas may distract the nations of the world from this pressing situation:

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge the U.S. government to strongly support an immediate full-scale emergency effort through the United Nations to address the pressing food and medical needs of the peoples of Ethiopia and Somalia; and

RESOLVED, that sufficient resources necessary to ensure the success of such an effort be provided by the member nations of the United Nations, including the United States; and

RESOLVED, that the United States use all necessary means to prevent the diversion of humanitarian supplies.
