AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the world today is increasingly troubled by international strife; and

WHEREAS, the labor community has much to offer in the peaceful resolution of conflict inherent in the negotiating process; and

WHEREAS, relatively recent technological advances have enabled international conflicts to have potentially disastrous consequences for all humankind; and

WHEREAS, the members of the American Federation of Teachers recognize the value of good international relationships and the imperative need to improve these relationships among all nations; and

WHEREAS, the resolution of conflicts, whether personal, local, national, or international, can best be accomplished by the use of trained personnel; and

WHEREAS, the systematic use of trained personnel in the resolution of international conflicts could save this nation and others countless billions of dollars and untold human suffering:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urges the Congress of the United States to establish a National Academy of Peace and Conflict Resolution dedicated to training persons in techniques of peaceful conflict resolution; and

RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Congress and President.
