AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT has actively worked for many years for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution and only three more states are needed for ratification; and

WHEREAS, we recognize that time limitations placed on its ratification have been politically motivated, as proven by passage of the Madison Amendment, which was recently ratified by the states, 203 years after passing Congress; and

WHEREAS, a re-birth of work toward passage of the ERA is occurring in some of the 15 unratified states; including, Illinois where its passage was defeated by the efforts of the current Republican gubernatorial candidate George Ryan; and

WHEREAS, the renewed effort to ratify ERA is being led by a coalition called the ERA Summit:


RESOLVED, that the AFT, the AFL-CIO and all of its affiliate organizations provide continuing support for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendments in all unratified states, especially Illinois, and that it work with the ERA Summit by sending representatives to its meetings in Washington, D.C., and lobbying support where requested.
