AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, teachers funded under the Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) and/or its successor and some other government funded programs in conjunction with local educational systems are often subject to exceptions under local union contracts representing them; and

WHEREAS, the aforementioned teachers have the same general qualifications and experience as other contracted teachers; and

WHEREAS, the aforementioned teachers are often subject to heavier class loads and a lower percentage of preparation time than other contracted teachers; and

WHEREAS, the aforementioned teachers are often denied access to opportunities for professional improvement afforded other contracted teachers; and

WHEREAS, the aforementioned teachers are often denied a parallel grievance procedure and faculty-wide seniority afforded other contracted teachers; and

WHEREAS, the aforementioned teachers are often denied an equalized accumulation of sick days afforded other contracted teachers; and

WHEREAS, the aforementioned teachers are often denied increments on the negotiated pay scale concurrent with those earned by other contracted teachers even though these same teachers have earned said increments, and

WHEREAS, the aforementioned teachers are career teachers and deserve the same recognition as all other contracted teachers:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, goes on record in support of the recognition of CETA (or its successor) teachers and other government funded teachers on the same basis as all other teachers covered under its locally affiliated contracts.
