AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, attempts are being made by the present administration and its supporters in Congress to reverse and abolish the gains that have been made by women, minorities, and the handicapped; and

WHEREAS, the present administration has refused in the area of equal opportunity to enforce those court orders, governmental policies and federal legislation with which it differs; and

WHEREAS, the present administration is attempting to limit the access of women, minorities, the handicapped and the poor to fight discrimination through the legal and governmental process:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers:

  • Calls upon the President and Congress of the United States to implement Executive Order 11246, prohibiting discrimination in federal contracts, and the 1964 Civil Rights Act;
  • Opposes any action to limit the monetary liability of employers or organizations who have been found to exclude or discriminate against women and minorities; and
  • Reaffirms its commitment to equal opportunity for all regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, age or handicap.
