AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals/American Federation of Teachers supports the concept of advanced education for all nurses; and,

WHEREAS, the emphasis in nursing education and the role of the nurse has expanded greatly over the last 10 years; and

WHEREAS, the accessibility to a baccalaureate degree program and any other advanced education is severely limited for a majority of working nurses due to the high cost of higher education, limited number of suitable programs available, matriculation problems between programs and the failure to recognize past work experience; and

WHEREAS, the existing discrimination in accessibility to such advanced education programs often results in unrealistic and therefore unattainable job requirements that impact negatively on recruitment and retention of practicing nurses; and

WHEREAS, the FNHP/AFT has concerns over the content of nurse education curricula, including an adequate clinical experience component; and

WHEREAS, there is no clear relationship established linking advanced education with improved patient care; and

WHEREAS, the changes in entry into practice must take into account the impact on existing LPNs and RNs currently in practice:

RESOLVED, the AFT opposes the legislating of any such change in the mandatory entry requirement for nurses until such time as the above issues are fully researched and resolved; and

RESOLVED, that all AFT state federations be informed of this position and their aid solicited for implementing this resolution on the state level.
