AFT Resolution

Ensuring Optimal Room Temperatures for All Students and Educators in Public Schools

WHEREAS, nationally, the schools and students we serve faced an unprecedented heat wave to begin the 2023-2024 school year; and

WHEREAS, extended heat waves and rising temperatures are expected to increase; and

WHEREAS, it is understood that the best teaching and learning must take place in suitable, welcoming and comfortable environments; and

WHEREAS, neither students nor AFT members should be expected to work, educate or learn in buildings that are over 76 degrees Fahrenheit (conditions that can be particularly dangerous for pregnant and more senior members as well as for students and educators with certain medical conditions); and

WHEREAS, some schools across the country with significantly older buildings are entirely exposed without any shade, which, in addition to increased air conditioning, requires the installation of window shades and other measures to ensure acceptable temperatures and environments; and

WHEREAS, some AFT locals have passed resolutions and fought for established safe maximum temperature mandates for all classrooms and offices; and

WHEREAS, some have lobbied and advocated for legislation that provides funding and the commitment to ensure working spaces of United Federation of Teachers members are continually regulated between 68 and 76 degrees F; and

WHEREAS, some have worked with their states to ensure minimum and maximum temperatures in school buildings and indoor workspaces:

RESOLVED, that the AFT will assist locals in surveying school communities during the first month of school in 2024 and will work with these locals in using the data to draw focus to the learning conditions of our students and working conditions of our members, highlighting a need for air conditioners in classrooms across the country; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will share legislative and/or contractual language used by locals that have been successful in lobbying their state policymakers to work toward guaranteeing adequate working temperatures in all rooms; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will advocate for federal funds to increase and improve efforts in repairing, upgrading and retrofitting HVAC systems and individual air conditioning units; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will assist locals in working to identify means by which individual communities can purchase, install and/or repair air conditioning units from their central funding dedicated for the sole purpose of installing and repairing air conditioning; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will work with coalition partners on new legislation to monitor, standardize and ensure safe and acceptable air quality, including acceptable temperatures in all AFT members’ working spaces.
