AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the migrant and seasonal farm workers who have organized through the United Farm Workers help feed America and much of the world and yet are among the nation's poorest workers; and

WHEREAS, since passage of California's historic collective bargaining law for farm workers, the UFW, under the leadership of Cesar Chavez, has won overwhelming victories in state-conducted secret ballot elections and has signed over 200 contracts with growers; and

WHEREAS, West Foods Inc., a subsidiary of Castle and Cooke Inc., is refusing to bargain in good faith and has forced 350 farm workers to go out on strike at its Ventura, Calif., mushroom plant since Nov. 19, 1981; and

WHEREAS, Castle and Cooke Inc., is a giant multinational corporation whose sales exceed $1 billion annually and is one of the world's largest producers of pineapples and bananas under the Dole label; and

WHEREAS, Castle and Cooke Inc. is unfair to striking UFW, AFL-CIO members; and

WHEREAS, the farm workers and Cesar Chavez are once again turning to their last non-violent tool¾the nationwide consumer boycott¾with an appeal to consumers to boycott Dole Pineapples, Dole Bananas and Bumble Bee Tuna; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has traditionally defended the farm workers' right to organize by endorsing and promoting the UFW strikes and boycotts:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers endorses the boycott of Dole Pineapples, Dole Bananas and Bumble Bee Tuna until a fair contract is signed and the boycott call is rescinded; and

RESOLVED, that all AFT affiliates take direct action to further the boycott of Dole Pineapples, Dole Bananas and Bumble Bee Tuna. (Executive Council)
