AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers and its 790,000 members have a long tradition of publicly voicing concerns and sharing ideas related to the state of education in our country and how it impacts economic and social issues; and

WHEREAS, the share of school funding provided by the federal government has fallen in the past 12 years from 11.5% to only 5%¾a decline that George Bush has watched in silence¾and the national goals which were set at the 1989 Education Summit have collected dust under the Bush-Quayle administration. Bill Clinton played a major role in formulating the national goals and has displayed great leadership as a governor by raising standards and improving student achievement in one of the poorest states in the nation; and

WHEREAS, nearly all of the Bush-Quayle administration's education reform efforts have focused on voucher initiatives that would allow public tax dollars to be diverted to private and religious schools, despite the fact that no other major industrial nation uses such an approach and despite the absence of any evidence giving parents more options in choosing public schools, while protecting against discrimination and opposing any transfer of public money to private schools; and

WHEREAS, the Bush-Quayle administration broke its promise to fully fund Head Start, failed to expand Chapter 1 eligibility and has taken no other steps to enhance early childhood education¾an issue that Bill Clinton has made a centerpiece of his reforms in Arkansas; and

WHEREAS, public education faces formidable challenges and obstacles, including escalating student violence, deteriorating school buildings and infrastructure, and other factors that create an unhealthy environment for any student to learn¾concerns that demand the fundamental change that Bill Clinton and Al Gore are committed to; and

WHEREAS, over the past 12 years, financial assistance for students wishing to attend American colleges and universities has been significantly reduced, unduly burdening students and parents. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have put forward programs that will guarantee students greater access to post-secondary education; and

WHEREAS, nearly 10 million Americans are out of work, America's industrial base continues to decline, and the Bush-Quayle administration has no plan to revitalize the economy. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have a plan to put people first, reinvesting in our cities and states to improve education, rebuild our highways and bridges, and create high-wage, high-skill jobs, thus closing the books on the failed “trickle-down” policies of the past 12 years; and

WHEREAS, the Bush-Quayle administration has reacted to our nation's health care crisis simply by proposing small tax credits with no control on costs, while Bill Clinton has a national health care plan that will control skyrocketing costs, ensure quality and guarantee access for all:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers hereby endorse Bill Clinton and Al Gore for President and Vice President of the United States; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT, its local affiliates and members commit their time and energy to actively supporting and electing the presidential ticket of Bill Clinton and Al Gore in 1992; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT and its state federations and local affiliates disseminate all appropriate facts and informational materials in order to ensure that its members are well-informed of the issues and the candidates' positions on these issues.
