AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, teachers report incidents of dating or relationship violence at school as well as other forms of student-to-student assault and bullying; and

WHEREAS, any violence at school undermines school safety and often interferes with school attendance and the educational process; and

WHEREAS, one in three teens report experiencing some kind of abuse in their romantic relationships*; and

WHEREAS, violence in our society is perpetuated when intimidation and submission are considered normal in a dating relationship and verbal, physical or sexual abuse is ignored or tolerated:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers work to increase the level of respect expected in student behaviors and work to eliminate disrespectful and abusive behavior at school in dating relationships; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT encourage teachers, education staff and students to learn to recognize symptoms of abuse in relationships, learn how to prevent abusive relationships from developing, and learn how to locate resources to help students and adults free themselves from abusive relationships; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue its work on the issue through its use and promotion of programs, workshops, and resources and educational materials on ending dating and relationship violence and reaffirm its support of the Violence Against Women Act.


* "Partner Violence in Opposite-Sex Romantic Relationships: Findings from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health," American Journal of Public Health, 2001.


