AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, sexism, racism and violence pervade the media and continue to be accepted as entertainment by a large segment of the public; and

WHEREAS, abusive and sexist and homophobic language by students has become pervasive and is tolerated in many schools; and
WHEREAS, schools need to do more to effectively enforce policies prohibiting sexist language and behavior; and
WHEREAS, sexism is dehumanizing and creates an unsafe and unhealthy environment in which school and street harassment, disrespect, sexual assault and violence against women are commonplace:
RESOLVED, that the AFT and its affiliates continue to urge the American Federation of Teachers to hold workshops and encourage locals to sponsor and promote workshops to demonstrate how teachers can have students evaluate the cultural messages inherent in today’s music and other forms of entertainment; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers and its affiliates urge teachers and staff to demand respectful language from students at all times and incorporate violence prevention curricula and programs in the classroom; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers demand that schools establish penalties for offensive and abusive language in their uniform discipline code for students and demand adequate programs and staff to enforce the code; and
RESOLVED, that we urge the American Federation of Teachers to gather data and publicize the actions of members who have taken steps to end offensive and abusive language in their schools and workplaces and have taken other steps to end violence; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers and its affiliates actively promote character education and development equally with academic learning and development.
