AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Baby Boomers, the largest generation of Americans ever, numbering some 76 million people born between 1946 and 1964, are now nearing retirement; and


WHEREAS, more than 300,000 AFT members are projected to retire between 2004 and 2013, with an even larger number to retire in the decade to follow; and


WHEREAS, in 1990, recognizing the unique contribution of the generation of union members who built the modern AFT, delegates to the national union approved the creation of prepaid lifelong membership in the national union for AFT members who retired after that year; and


WHEREAS, since that date, AFT retired membership has grown from 32,000 to more than 190,000 with retired members making significant contributions to the national union; and


WHEREAS, accurate membership lists are a primary building block in forming new retiree chapters, the primary vehicle for informing retired members on national, state and local policies and initiatives and in advocating for retirees within locals, state federations and the national union; and


WHEREAS, every retired AFT member is eligible to receive a constituency-appropriate AFT national publication and access to AFT PLUS benefits; and


WHEREAS, the AFL-CIO embraced the concept of lifelong unionism in 2000, creating the Alliance for Retired Americans for retired union members and community retirees who support the dreams and aspirations of America's working families; and


WHEREAS, 70 percent of all older Americans vote in national elections; a figure far surpassing the turnout of those under age 65; and


WHEREAS, retirees are a key swing vote in most elections, making them a critical factor in electing candidates who support policies that improve the lives of working families, while also protecting programs vital to union members; and


WHEREAS, the key to strong locals, state federations and the national union and success in legislation from the school board to the White House lies in informed and active members of all ages; and


WHEREAS, reliable communication with newly retired members via tools such as e-mail depends on a complete database:


RESOLVED, that the AFT continue to encourage local unions and state federations to report regularly to the national union the change in membership status when the affiliate receives official notification of a member's retirement.




