AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the elementary school is the most critical area of educational development and funds have been expended for numerous academic/support systems for selected individuals and groups within the total school population and no universal support system has been designated for all students; and

WHEREAS, by age 10 children have established their value and attitudinal systems, as well as their social, emotional, and academic patterns, and

WHEREAS, the detection and resolution of emotional conflicts at this level will result in the dissolution of those attitudes and conceptions which interfere with learning at later school levels; and

WHEREAS, school systems across the country are concerned about the competency of graduating high school students; and

WHEREAS, research has advocated early needs identification and intervention to ensure educational success; and

WHEREAS, research has indicated that a positive self concept must precede school attitudes, achievement, and academic advancement and that elementary counselors do make a difference in the child's positive self concept development; and

WHEREAS, the Elementary Guidance Program, although not new, has not been sufficiently financed to universally demonstrate its value and effect upon the total educational process:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers initiates and supports legislation at all governmental levels to provide adequate funding for maintaining and expanding Elementary Guidance Programs which employ licensed certified guidance counselors. There should be at least one school guidance counselor in every elementary school in the nation.
