AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, fiscal decisions made at the national level by the president and Congress often produce unanticipated and sometimes adverse consequences for state government programs operated by FSE affiliates and members; and

WHEREAS, the development capacity of any state depends on resources- human, technological, financial, etc.- and these resources are enhanced when state governments employ sufficient numbers of state employees and provide them with adequate levels of support to perform their required duties; and

WHEREAS, proposals that ignore the needs of state governments and their employees have dire consequences for citizens of those states, especially those citizens who are least able to compete economically, educationally or emotionally, many of whom are served by programs run by FSE members; and

WHEREAS, FSE affiliates work in a wide variety of programs important to the health and safety of our citizens and the environment those citizens live and work in, including transportation, health, labor department programs, highway and safety programs and environmental protection programs among others:

RESOLVED, that FSE members identify those federal policies that, if changed, are most likely to affect the health, safety, economic stability and environment of states and their citizens; and

RESOLVED, that FSE members be supported in their efforts to address federal policies on revenues and expenditures that have serious consequences for state governments, their citizens and the FSE affiliates who provide services; and

RESOLVED, that the staff of FSE/AFT provide necessary support and assistance to the FSE members working on these problems consistent with the policies of the executive council.
