AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, teachers and public education are under serious attack by performance contracting and by attempts to set up voucher systems; and

WHEREAS, there is constant pressure to substitute know-nothing criticism and gimmickry for substantive educational improvement because of a lack of agreement on a body of knowledge with regard to the teaching-learning process; and

WHEREAS, continuing systematic research of the teaching-learning process is essential to the continued improvement of education; and

WHEREAS, confidence in the expertise of professional educators is necessary for achieving the confidence of the public in the public school system:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers and its locals will seek to encourage boards of education and the government in providing funds for meaningful educational research; and

RESOLVED, that such research shall take into account all factors which affect learning, including socio-economic conditions of pupils, conditions of school facilities, supplies, and administration, as well as teacher training and teacher performance; and

RESOLVED, that such research shall involve the planning, cooperation and negotiated approval of teacher unions.
