AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Brown Lung is a textile industry related disease that cripples many of our brothers and sisters and further that this avoidable disease is incurable; and

WHEREAS, our brothers and sisters are waging a gallant battle against federal and state agencies for adequate compensation, but more specifically against the insensitive, but influential and powerful, Textile Manufacturers' Association, which is urging a strong, effective campaign against any legislation; and

WHEREAS, the children of these textile employees are directly affected by the occupational plight and disease of their parents; and

WHEREAS, these children are our students:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers and its affiliated locals make every effort to bring educational programs about byssinosis directly into the classrooms; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers and its affiliated locals become actively involved with the Brown Lung Association to free our country of this wasteful and avoidable industrial disease and to bring full compensation to the parents of our children.
