AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, there is a nationwide need for universally available child development services; and

WHEREAS, centers for the education of pre-school through 2nd grade children in the 50 states are administered under various auspices, have widely disparate standards; and are frequently merely custodial where they exist at all; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has always supported high quality standards in the education of children and working conditions of teachers; and

WHEREAS, such centers should in all 50 states be administered by the State Departments of Education and/or locally by public school districts, similar to the Children's Centers in California and the Early Childhood Pre-School Centers in New York City:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support the concept of education of children under public school auspices with the following quality components:

  • uniformly high standards and coordination with existing public school education,
  • fully licensed, trained paraprofessionals, and adequate ancillary personnel,
  • educationally desirable ratio of children to teachers,
  • safe and healthful building and environment with adequate play space,
  • family education programs and a high degree of parent involvement,
  • available to children of all parents, whether working, non-working, or student,
  • access to a full range of health, nutritional, guidance and social services; furthermore, that the American Federation of Teachers urge all state federations and locals to support legislation to mandate these centers for children under public school auspices, and to negotiate such centers in their contracts.
