AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT believes that our nation is strengthened and enriched by its broad and deep diversity; and

WHEREAS, the AFT was founded by women seeking a greater voice in their careers and lives and the lives of the communities they served; and

WHEREAS, the AFT proudly supported the great civil and human and women’s rights movements of the past century and the landmark cases and events that framed them, from the Brown v. Board of Education case to the 1963 March on Washington, to the fight for equality for women; and

WHEREAS, the AFT has a long and proud history of fighting discrimination; and

WHEREAS, the AFT believes that union leadership must reflect the diversity of its membership, as evidenced by the diversity on the AFT executive council; and

WHEREAS, the AFT recognizes the need to further identify and develop a diverse group of leaders and activists; and

WHEREAS, unions must be the model of openness, fairness and opportunity to the rest of the country and the world; and

WHEREAS, the AFT and America’s union movement must stand as a model of full inclusion:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers, whose history and present policies demonstrate its commitment to diversity, support the intent and goals of the AFL-CIO’s Diversity Resolution and provide examples of diversity by:

  • continuing to encourage diversity on AFT governing boards and participation at AFT-sponsored and supported conferences and meetings;
  • increasing efforts to attract and recruit a diverse pool of young people interested in the professions we represent by expanding the offering of internships;
  • aiding AFT affiliates in developing and implementing training and leadership programs for a diverse group of activists, trade unionists and potential leaders; and
  • using current research and best practices to expand its enduring diversity efforts.

[Adopted by Executive Council, July 2007]
