AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, our diverse society enriches all individuals; similarities and differences among races, ethnicity, color, national origin, language, geographic location, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, marital, parental, or economic status form the fabric of society; and

WHEREAS, education should increase understanding and foster an appreciation of the various qualities that pertain to people as individuals or members of a group:

RESOLVED, that the AFT support and encourage the observances, programs and curricula that accurately portray and recognize the roles, contributions, cultures and history of these diverse groups and individuals; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT recognize and support equal opportunity within the public education system; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT and its affiliated organizations include the annual recognition and observances such as but not limited to Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Gay and Lesbian History Month and other such commemorative months as an important component in the effort to recognize diversity through education in order to improve human relations in schools and local school districts.
