AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Saudi Arabia and several other Middle Eastern countries have indicated their intention to seek American assistance in modernizing their educational institutions and programs; and

WHEREAS, these nations have invited, or are about to invite, proposals from schools, colleges and universities, research institutions and individuals on ways to upgrade their educational systems, facilities, and programs; and

WHEREAS, there are federally funded assistance programs involving schools and teachers on the kindergarten to l2th grade level, in which teachers are now serving in these countries; and

WHEREAS, there is ample evidence that the nations involved practice discriminatory employment policies against persons of the Jewish faith; and

WHEREAS, women are traditionally excluded from, or play a very limited role in the public life and profes­sional activities of these nations; and

WHEREAS, these nations make copious use of a blacklist against institutions which reject such discriminatory practices; and

WHEREAS, a tenet of American democracy is that employment should be based on competency and be non-discriminatory:

RESOLVED, that all American colleges and universities, schools, research institutions and all individuals on their faculties and staffs be urged not to submit proposals or participate in such teaching and/or research ventures until and unless there is a clear guarantee that there shall be no discrimination in hiring practices under such proposals on grounds of race, religion, national origin, sex, political beliefs, or age; and

RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded immediately to all state and local affiliated bodies and that this resolution be given wide publicity and circulation generally.
