AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, there is an acute shortage of trained personnel in the expanding human care, service, and all levels of occupational industries; and

WHEREAS, programs to train young people in these areas will offer to many high school students immediate employment which could become a lifetime career, and to others the incentive to continue their education through and beyond high school; and

WHEREAS, many of our young people are not completing high school; and

WHEREAS, many who do graduate leave without saleable skills, and

WHEREAS, many of our youth lack either the ability, the desire, or the financial support necessary to attend a college or university:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers actively support programs on national, state and local levels, to provide training in the human care, service, and all levels of occupational industries for high school age youth; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage its locals to initiate and sponsor programs of their own utilizing federal, state, local, or private fund grants, to bring their students, as well as their dropouts, into employment in human care, service, and all levels of occupational industries in their own localities; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers give recognition and publicity to any such programs, including development of plans to serve as guidelines.  (Executive Council)
