AFT Resolution


In Argentina, in 1976, a democratic government was overthrown by the military, establishing a dictatorial government which suspended all legal rights. All strikes and collective bargaining were outlawed. Information furnished to the International Labor Office by representatives of Argentina unions is:

  • The government brought about the "disappearance" of 30,000 men, women and even children--of which 20,000 were union members;
  • 10,000 were imprisoned;
  • 5,000 were murdered.

We support the demand of the Argentinean unions and most of the people that the government report on the fate or present status of each one of the "disappeared"--and release any who are in custody.

We further demand that the military junta resign and a democratic government be set up immediately.

The union executive council shall send copies of this resolution t

President of Argentina, Reynaldo Bignone, Buenas Aires, Argentina.

George Shultz, Secretary of State, 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20520.

House Foreign Affairs Committee, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, D.C.
