AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, California’s 12-year experience of rapid resegregation of higher education under Prop 209 and the more recent experience under the Prop 2 ban on affirmative action in Michigan, makes clear the devastating impact of such measures for black, Latino, Native American and other minority youth; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers opposes Ward Connerly’s attempts to place similar anti-affirmative action measures on the ballot in Arizona, Colorado and Nebraska for this fall’s election; and
WHEREAS, Connerly’s attempts to place such measures on the Oklahoma and Missouri ballots have already been defeated by pro-integration/affirmative action youth organizers, signaling the real opportunity to defeat these attacks in all of the states that Connerly has targeted:
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers publicly oppose Connerly’s campaign to place on the ballot and pass anti-affirmative ballot measures and will participate in and help build a campaign on the model of Brown v. Board of Education that reestablishes the legal basis to maintain integration in higher education through a series of court cases and mass mobilizations including legal challenges in Arizona, Colorado and Nebraska against fraud in petition gathering by anti-affirmative action forces.
