AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the members of the American Federation of Teachers at every educational level, from kindergarten through l2th grade and in higher education, have an interest in copyright law; and

WHEREAS, this interest encompasses their role as users of copyrighted materials in instruction and as authors of copyrighted materials; and

WHEREAS, questions have been raised about the efficacy of current copyright law in expediting the use of copyrighted materials in instruction and in protecting the rights of authors of copyrighted materials; and

WHEREAS, members in classroom positions are hampered in carrying out their responsibilities by ambiguity in the current copyright law and the threat of legal jeopardy:

RESOLVED, that the AFT examines the current copyright law for the purpose of formulating a legislative proposal for revision of the copyright law that is consistent with the interests of its members, if such revision is deemed necessary; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers drafts and disseminates to its members guidelines for the use of copyrighted materials on the basis of current law.
