AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT's ability to influence policies which affect teachers and education is directly related to its political strength; and

WHEREAS, financial contributions play a significant role in determining a candidate's prospects for election and serve as a measure of a union's commitment to the political process; and

WHEREAS, the locals listed in this special COPE brochure have demonstrated a high level of political sophistication and commitment as partially witnessed by meeting the COPE goal of $1 per member:

RESOLVED, that the 1978 AFT Convention honor these locals through this ceremony and resolution; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT in convention assembled dedicate itself to expanded political involvement both through contributions and through volunteer time and activism by its members; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT and its state and local affiliates continue to base their endorsement process on issues of vital and direct concern to teachers and education, so that the political impact of organized teachers and education workers will not be diluted but teachers will be viewed as serious participants in the political process.
