AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFL-CIO has urged all national and international unions to withhold "...public endorsements of any presidential or vice presidential candidates before the AFL-CIO convention or any General Board meeting called to vote on whether the federation should make any endorsement"; and

WHEREAS, the AFL-CIO has amended that policy to state: "During the period between either political party convention and the August 24th AFL-CIO General Board meeting, national and international unions may publicly recommend the AFL-CIO endorsement of candidates for the presidency and vice presidency of the United States"; and

WHEREAS, the AFT convention, the body that is empowered to endorse presidential candidates, concludes its deliberations before either national convention selects its candidates and before the AFL-CIO General Board meeting:

RESOLVED, that the delegates to this Seventieth Convention of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, refer the matter to the AFT Executive Council. Upon conclusion of both national party conventions, the AFT Executive Council shall review the results of the convention delegate poll and shall determine the candidate it recommends for AFL-CIO endorsement at the General Board meeting. Upon the conclusion of that General Board meeting, a special meeting of the AFT Executive Council shall be called to endorse a candidate for the presidency and vice presidency of the United States.
