AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, there has always been a close and cooperative relationship between the AFT and the consumer movement in the U.S., particularly the nationwide activities of the Consumer Federation of America; and

WHEREAS, the grass roots strength of the consumer movement in the U.S. is the more than 45 state and local consumer federations; and

WHEREAS, union teachers have a direct interest in the development and survival of a vigorous and active consumer movement, particularly as it concerns consumer education activities at the primary, secondary, junior college and college levels, by their activities they can make an active contribution to the consumer movement:

RESOLVED, that this convention go on record urging full support for the activities of the Consumer Federation of America and the over 45 state and local consumer organizations and that AFT organizations on the state and local levels be asked to:

  • Urge their individual members to become active members and supporters of the consumer organizations in their state or city.
  • Become members of these consumer organizations so as to lend financial as well as spiritual force to their activities.
  • Take the lead in assuring that on a state and local level that meaningful and consumer oriented consumer education programs are de­veloped. This should include concern for the development of community education programs aimed at the economically under­privileged who suffer most for lack of consumer understanding.
  • Develop or seek to have developed, a curriculum guide on Consumer Problems, similar to those developed concerning the Grape Strike and Public Employee Unionism and that this be distributed developing curriculum in this subject area.
  • Develop a list of the names and addresses of state and consumer organizations to be distributed to all AFT local and state leaders along with a copy of this resolution.
