AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, great changes have taken place in American society and in higher education in general; and

WHEREAS, these changes have generated new needs for society and institutions of higher education; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers finds that the present form of higher education isolated from the community and focused on late adolescent campus populations is no longer sufficient:

RESOLVED, that higher education should be a continuing process available to all in our society regardless of age, occupational and class opportunities and constraints; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT favors "life-long learning," community and adult integration into our higher educational institutions; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will encourage educational authorities to realize such goals and will encourage labor groups to seek for their members opportunities for studies and involvement in higher education through the use of work sabbaticals throughout the career of workers, retirement benefits of free educational opportunities, and the availability of leisure time suitable for educational activity concomitant with normal economic activity of workers.
