AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act attempts to create jobs through the use of state and local governments including education agencies as sponsors of employment projects; and

WHEREAS, CETA jobs represent a valuable source of jobs for the unemployed, and as a vehicle for providing needed public services including education; and

WHEREAS, the 1978 Amendments to CETA have placed some unwise and unworkable restrictions on the operations of the CETA programs including a two-year limit for all employees holding CETA jobs, a definition of eligible individuals which effectively excludes many laid off union members from CETA and which also encourages state and local governments to undercut existing public sector wage rates negotiated by union representation;

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers seek amendments to the CETA legislation to correct these and other inequities; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT seek the support of the AFL-CIO and other affected unions in the public sector in this endeavor.
