AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers played a crucial role in the 1984 primaries and caucuses leading to the nomination of Walter Mondale; and

WHEREAS, our members, their families and all Americans want a president and vice president who will restore fairness to federal tax and budget policies in this country; and

WHEREAS, our members, their families and all Americans want a president and vice president who will provide a balance to the Supreme Court by appointing justices dedicated to fairness and equity; and

WHEREAS, our members, their families and all Americans want a president and vice president who are sworn to protect our Social Security system; and

WHEREAS, our members, their families and all Americans want a president and vice president who will continue to fight for the ERA and to propose a comprehensive minority plan; and

WHEREAS, our members, their families and all Americans want a president and a vice president who are committed to supporting a major effort to advance excellence in education in this country; and

WHEREAS, the current campaign to defeat the present administration and to elect the Mondale-Ferraro team on November 6 needs to be the focal point of all our political energy:

RESOLVED, that this 68th American Federation of Teachers convention endorses and supports by this special order of business the candidacy of Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro.
