AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, it is and ought to be the right of all American children to receive an American education; and

WHEREAS, there are in the Canal Zone ten thousand U.S. citizen children of the U.S. government employees and members of the U.S. armed forces; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. schools in the Canal Zone are completely integrated, and there is not and will not be any discrimination in the aforesaid schools either in the enrollment of pupils or in the employment of teachers on the basis of race, religion, or national origin:

RESOLVED, that the United States citizen children in the Canal Zone continue to be taught a U.S. schools curriculum by teachers who are U.S. citizens holding U.S. degrees and certification, as is already required by law for Department of Defense overseas schools; and

RESOLVED, that this resolution should not in any way be considered detrimental to allowing and assisting the Republic of Panama to provide a Panamanian education with Panamanian teachers for Panamanian children resident in the Canal Zone.
