AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Campaign for Child Survival has launched a national campaign to highlight the promise of dramatic reductions in infant mortality and has set as its ultimate goal the worldwide awakening of understanding, concern, and action that will help to foster a new moral ethic for this real emergency; and

WHEREAS, because of recent developments, a virtual revolution in child survival is now possible for utilizing keys that could halve the rate of child death and disability; namely, growth monitoring, oral rehydration therapy, breastfeeding, and immunization; and

WHEREAS, the campaign will emphasize the positive experiences, opportunities and results of child survival projects in such a way that can begin to dispel the sense of helplessness that has frequently dissuaded many American institutions and individuals from working to solve global problems of this magnitude; and

WHEREAS, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford are the honorary co-chairs, and Father Theodore Hesburgh and Liv Ullman are campaign co-chairs; and

WHEREAS, the primary campaign objectives are to focus attention and activate various groups across the country on child survival issues and to influence legislation and public policy on this issue. Increased financial support of private initiatives for child survival programs is also a goal:

RESOLVED, that AFT encourage locals and state federations to become active and informed about this vital campaign, by writing or calling the Campaign for Child Survival, 331 East 38th St. N.Y., N.Y. 10016 Tel. (212) 686-5522.
