AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, preparing students to earn a good living and pursue the career of their choice is a key responsibility of American higher education, from the technical and community college to the postdoctoral level; and

Whereas, the economic benefits of higher education to an individual are substantial; the average lifetime earnings of associate degree and bachelor degree holders being, respectively, 29 percent and 74 percent greater than high school graduates; and

Whereas, the larger value of higher education to an individual goes far beyond job-related training; although skills, competencies and even certain fields of knowledge can become obsolete in a matter of years or months, a student who has learned to think analytically and critically, who has encountered other cultures and perspectives and who has engaged the power of ideas has an asset that will never become obsolete; and

Whereas, a broad-based higher education enables individuals to think beyond their area of expertise and to care about things beyond the circle of their immediate lives, to be civil members of a multicultural society and productive participants in our democracy; and

Whereas, voices inside and outside the academy are promoting a brand of educational consumerism that would minimize broad-based educational offerings and concentrate only on narrow job training:


RESOLVED, that the AFT believe that broad-based education of all students¾ intellectually, ethically, as well as professionally¾ should be the goal of America's colleges and universities; and

Resolved, that the AFT call upon its members to promote opportunities for broad-based learning on their campuses, from the technical and community college level to the undergraduate and graduate level; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT call upon public officials and college faculty, librarians, professional staff, and administrators to join with our members to maintain the kind of broad-based education that has made our colleges and universities the envy of the world.
