AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Women in Science Act, sponsored by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, would authorize expenditure of federal funds "to promote policies and procedures that would enhance education opportunities for women, improve training and employment opportunities and prevent discrimination against women in science and technical fields," and require that (1) a more equitable ratio of women be placed on the National Science Board, which administers National Science Foundation activities; (2) an increase in the number of scholarships and research grants be awarded to women; (3) programs be created to attract and support women in the study of science disciplines; (4) a coordinated effort be made between the National Science Foundation and educational institutions to increase employment and job advancement opportunities for women; and

WHEREAS, support of this bill would be consonant with our previous support of the Women's Educational Equity Act, which is now law:

RESOLVED, that the AFT vigorously supports enactment of the Women in Science Act; and

RESOLVED, that this resolution be submitted to the AFL-CIO Executive Council for similar support.
