AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the incidence of assaults upon teachers and other school personnel has continued to grow sharply in the past few years; and

WHEREAS, this increase in assaults has been of vital concern to teachers, school districts, and government agencies in that this increased violence has an extremely negative effect both on teachers and students; and

WHEREAS, the victims of these assaults have suffered both physically and emotionally and many have had great difficulty in returning to their classrooms:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers shall urge government agencies to sponsor programs to assist teachers who have been victims of assault in dealing with the emotional and physical problems which emanate from such assaults; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT shall, on behalf of school staff, support legislation to protect teachers and other school personnel from school systems and Boards of Education, and to hold Boards responsible for any malfeasance, misfeasance, or non­feasance in failing to perform their duties to maintain safe and secure school conditions instead of the existing conditions which foster and encourage ever-increasing incidents of violence, resulting in physical and emotional harm to school personnel.
