AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, economic change is inevitable in a modern economy but it is neither inevitable nor fair that the burden of adjusting to change should fall so heavily on those who work and on their families; and

WHEREAS, the changes which have occurred in the last several years have levied an enormous toll in the form of raging inflation and particularly high levels of un-employment; and

WHEREAS, there is abundant scientific evidence demonstrating the grim health and psychological consequences inflicted by job loss such as increased heart disease, depression, family breakup, alcoholism and child abuse; and

WHEREAS, the impact is not limited to those whose jobs are directly affected, but also the communities which lose tax revenues and all those who depend on the services provided by taxes including the public schools along with local merchants who lose business, commercial establishments and offices, clerical, sales and professional workers including public employees who were once thought to be the most secure of all; and

WHEREAS, the State of Michigan and other states have felt the effects because of the dramatic reduction of automobile sales:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers calls upon the Congress of the United States to support legislation which will further encourage the production and sale of domestic cars that are affordable and fuel-efficient, have low emissions, provide good safety and are easy and economical to maintain and repair rather than the larger more profitable luxury cars which have for so long been the symbol of the American Automobile industry; and

RESOLVED, that particular measures be adopted by the Congress to combat the gross imbalance of trade caused by foreign imports of automobiles and other goods without regard to equivalent fair treatment of American goods in other countries which is a major cause of the drastic economic disaster affecting those who live and work in the United States and especially in Michigan. (Executive Council)
